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Friday, January 3, 2014

Hello & Welcome to the new Inspired By Rabbits website!

We're happy to at last be launching this website! Our companion site FaceBook page at has been launched for about a year. So now we are complete!

Our template is under construction so it will be changing a lot in the very near future. We're excited to be working on it. In the meanwhile, if you aren't already a fan of our FaceBook page, please stop by and "Like" the page for us, ok? And while you're there, please sign up for our monthly newsletter and you will have a chance to win free prizes every month!

This month we are giving away a 2014 Running Bun Magazine calendar! To enter to win, just sign up for our monthly newsletter. If you aren't on FaceBook, you can sign up here.

This professionally printed calendar is just gorgeous. It's available for sale in our Etsy shop if you would like to take a look at it. Here are some thumbnails of it for you to see.The front and back covers are also very cool!

Well, that's all for now. I'll be back very soon! Hug your bunnies and give them nose bonks.

Tread Lightly,