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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Are You Ready for Valentine's Day? Send Somebunny Special a Bunny Valentine!

Hello Bunny Rabbit peeps! Hope you had a Happy New Year. We know Jessica C. did. She was the winner in this month's giveaway and she was just thrilled with the ever whimsical 2014 Running Bun Magazine official bunny rabbit calendar she won on January 6. Here is what she said about her calendar, "I just got my prize in the mail today! =) It is so wonderful! I love it!!!! I immediately hung it on my bedroom wall. Thank you for mailing it to me...very happy girl, Jessica."  We still have two of these calendars left and they are now 25% off and you can get another 20% off of that by using the code BCBUN20 at checkout. So please hurry up because I only have two left and what a deal! Plus, you don't want to miss January's classic Running Bun Magazine cover with Buno! Buno reminds us that...all is quiet on New Year's Day...

Buno Talks About U2, Ireland & Warren Peace

Have a Heart-Shaped Box of Chocolates with this Charming Bunny Fellow

Isn't this bunny rabbit fellow charming, with his cute little white nose gently sniffing the rose on this heart-shaped box of chocolates for Valentine's Day? He's just a squee little rabbit fellow, too. So small, that he looks like he has plenty of room in that mailbox he's coming out of to sniff the mail. This little bunny was rescued as a senior bun, 8 years old, when he was abandoned at the shelter having never been out of his cage in all that time. I went and got him and after some time, he was adopted, and lived happily ever after. I remember him so fondly and am very glad I got to meet him.

Would You Prefer a Chocolate Bunny Truffle as Your Eye Candy?

Here's an adorable little charming Netherland dwarf bunny rabbit couple affectionately nuzzling each other in our photography studio. The gorgeous little solid chocolate bunny is the male and husbun to this precious little English spotted female rabbit. 

I remember going to pick up this little gal at the shelter where, apparently, a breeder had dumped her because she couldn't bear live young. She'd had a small litter of still born and peanut babies, none of whom survived. That's because the dwarf gene is lethal and if a bun is born with one of these genes inherited from each of his parents, he won't have any growth tissue and cannot grow. He may last a week or even 10 days but more often, he'd be stillborn. This precious bunny gal was very sad about losing her litter of baby rabbits but after being spayed, she found love with this gorgeous chocolate bunny boy, who was also altered. They lived happily ever after as cherished house pets. 

We'll have more cards to release in the coming days and surely, some of them will be just as appropriate for Valentine's Day. Please be sure to check back with us. And please sign up for our shop newsletter to be entered into our monthly prize giveaways. Some lucky winner will hop away with a Valentine's Day prize. Sign up for the newsletter here and also please 'like' us on FaceBook, we appreciate the support.

Tread lightly,


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